Thursday, May 3, 2007


* What do you use your fiber for? Felting, needle felting, knitting
or crocheting, weaving?

So far only knitting but I am taking a weaving course and have plans for doing some thing there along the lines of blankets and rugs.

* What kind of spinning do you do or what do you spin for?

I have several spindles and a Roberta electric. I spin mostly as recreation, as I find it very soothing and I like the feeling of the fibre. I rarely spin with anything in particular in mind unless I'm aiming at socks.

* If you knit, weave, spin, crochet, needle felt, or do other fibery
pursuits, how long have you been doing those things?

I've just started weaving, I have been knitting for about 15 years (I consider myself intermediate) and spinning for about 4 (still a novice). I have made quilts since I was a child and needlepoint for at least 25 years. But I am a process person so I don't necessarily hang on to what I've made.

* What fibers have you worked with?

Wool almost exclusively, except since I started with spindles and that's added camel down and silk. Wool breeds I've spun: merino, BFL, English Leicester, Romney, Corriedale, various unbranded but probably merino cross.

* Which fibers, fiber blends, and types of fibers do you prefer?

I haven't spun enough of anything to know what I like. There are so many kinds of wool that I haven't spun all that I have yet.

* Are you interested in working with raw fleece? If so, what type?

I am but I cannot be sent raw fleece from outside Australia as it is prohibited by Quarantine. If I fall in love with a fleece and it's raw, I will buy it but it has to be special.

* What fibery tools do you currently have (e.g., spinning wheels,
drop spindles, combs, cards, etc.)?

I have an Ashford drumcarder, about 5 drop spindles, a Roberta spinner because I have knee and hip problems and can't treadle.

* Do you crave any tools, books, or videos?

I'd love the Ashford book on carding, some of the spinning DVDs,

* What fibers are you absolutely dying to get your hands on?

Sheltand, rare breeds like California Red or CVM, kid mohair, coloured wool.

* Which fibers do you absolutely not want to work with?

Coarse anything, merino (as I am surrounded by merinos and don't need more!)

* Do you prefer natural color fibers or pre-dyed fibers?

I like both as long as the dyed are colours I like.

* What are your dye and color preferences?

Don't care how the fibre is dyed but I hate oranges and conversely drab colours like olive. I am trying to get out of a pink/purple/blue rut so reds or greens would be welcome


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