Monday, June 25, 2007


I know a couple have not received, but check on the sidebar and look at the blogs. Some have posted on their personal blogs instead. :)

What is happen, no one else got there packets?


I just wonder, there was suddenly so silence in the blog. There most be other that has got there packets from the pals?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Juhu, I got my swap packet today.

First of all, this swap has been extra funny why? Beacause my dear swap pal, was Peggy that I new from before :o))

So today my packet come in the mail, there was a lot in this packet. First of all some lovely Romney, I have talked so much of Romeny that I think Peggy had got that hint from earlier chatting. And one of the most gorgeous hand dyed bombyx silk I have seen from Abbys yarn.
Burt's Bee hand care kit, a initial it bookmark with my H on, beautiful crochet clothes and the most funny a Keychan Sock Blocker Sock that I for a long time had tought of buying and some Wilton's ice dying.

There was also a lot of other item, that she had been so kind to buy to me. I will update my blog later this evening.

Here is the a photos of the great packet:

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I got mine too!

Yesterday after a LOOONG and frustrating day at work I arrived home to find my fiberswap box had arrived! Even before I opened it I was cheered up but when I saw what was inside my heart soared!
Teri sent me a gorgeous selection of fiber including some targhee (which I've meant to try but never have yet), a lovely brown alpaca (my daughter said it reminded her of baby hair its so soft and fine), and some Paradise Fibers merino in "midnight" colorway which I can't wait to spin up. The picture doesn't do it justice. Along with that there were ginger candies (my favorite), a WPI tool and some other knitting/spinning related odds and ends which are all wonderful.
Thanks so much Teri!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Fiber rec'd and a PSA (Nic)

Specs: 8 oz ea Corriedale (Fire & Pesto)

So I received a box from Crown Mountain, a place that I have ordered fiber from before, but hadn't remembered ordering anything recently. I opened the box, and the mystery intensified. The fiber definitely looked like something I would order... but when did I??? I know I hadn't. Not only were the colors dead on for what I would order, but it was corriedale... I love spinning corriedale. My husband and house guest were quick to say that they each were responsible for the great surprise. However, I decided that neither were clever or nice enough (and luckily neither read this blog) to do it. I thought about calling Crown Mountain, but what if I had ordered it, what an embarassing phone call that would be.

For more days than I will admit to, I didn't make the connection between my swap spoiler and the perfectly chosen roving. I thought and thought. Finally, I was going through my emails, and I saw that I needed to reply to my fiber spoiler (no, I didn't make the connection yet - shut up, I'm slow OK.) I wrote to her, she wrote back, and then after she threw me a hint, because I don't think she wanted to come out and say, "hey ungrateful, did you want to acknowledge your present??" my synapses fired.

In short, from my patient spoiler: "And yes--the two Crown Mountain rovings are from me. :-) See, there's method to my madness here. Since you've been fretting a bit about spinning too thin, I thought that getting you some pencil roving in the fiber you're familiar with (Corriedale) might help you get a feel for the thickness you want. You can thin that pencil roving down a lot, or you can just crack it a couple of times, tug lightly here and there to open the fiber up, and spin away. If you can find the thickness you like, then I think you'll find handling other rovings easier; you'll be able to split them into the thickness that works best for you. Does that make sense? In short, just play. :-) I thought you might like the green ("Pesto"), but I also thought the other color ("Fire") would give you something bright to work with, and if all else fails, the two might be used in the same project. I'm really curious to see what happens to the color on the red one when it's spun." -the coolest fiber spoiler ever.

So my poor spoiler put all this thought into it, and I was too dumb to figure it out. So embarassing for me!

I love this roving!!! It is so pretty and bold. I am thrilled with it. I am so thrilled I dont even want to spin it, but I will force myself to because I will love it, and have a great time with it. Not to mention my spoiler wasn't sending my fiber to add to my stash. I don't know if there are others that feel this way, but I worry about not doing the fiber justice.

Yes I am sure my spoiler as well as the rest of you are reading this, and thinking, "WOW Nic is a kind of dumb." Most of you continue the thought, "I am glad I am not dum-dum's spoiler", whereas my spoiler is thinking "ug, see what I have to work with here people??" I am sure my spoiler's, spoiler is adding aspirin to her package right now.

Let me be the cautionary tale for the rest of you. You are in a fiber swap. You will be receiving anonymous fiber. It's probably from your spoiler. I know you are thinking DUH, but just instead write thanks for the tip in the comments section will ya? It'll be our personal code.