Thursday, May 3, 2007


Here is the Fiber Swap Questionnaire! One of the participants helped me to devise this list, so here goes! If I've left out anything, please let me know.

Please post this questionnaire to THIS blog as soon as possible, so your pal can find out all about your preferences.


* What do you use your fiber for? Felting, needle felting, knitting
or crocheting, weaving?
* What kind of spinning do you do or what do you spin for?
* If you knit, weave, spin, crochet, needle felt, or do other fibery
pursuits, how long have you been doing those things? What level of
expertise are you at?
* What fibers have you worked with?
* Which fibers, fiber blends, and types of fibers do you prefer?
* Are you interested in working with raw fleece? If so, what type?
* What fibery tools do you currently have (e.g., spinning wheels,
drop spindles, combs, cards, etc.)?
* Do you crave any tools, books, or videos?
* What fibers are you absolutely dying to get your hands on?
* Which fibers do you absolutely not want to work with?
* Do you prefer natural color fibers or pre-dyed fibers?
* What are your dye and color preferences?
* Do you have any relevant allergies?


Heidi Kim said...


I am not used to this blog, and I posted a reply on the Questionnaire. But can't see my posting, what doe I doe wrong ore maybe it is correct that I can't se my own posting?

Rhonna said...

Heidi Kim, yours is here. :-) You forgot to give the post a title, but you'll see it if you look in the list of recent posts on the right hand side bar. See the link right under the one for Silver's questionnaire? That's yours. :-)

Is that what you meant?

Diana said...

* What do you use your fiber for? Felting, needle felting, knitting
or crocheting, weaving? all of the above
* What kind of spinning do you do or what do you spin for? I enjoy, drop spinning, wheel spinng and using my charkha, I usually tend to spin fine, will one day learn to knit lace
* If you knit, weave, spin, crochet, needle felt, or do other fibery
pursuits, how long have you been doing those things? I have crocheted for decades, but only a year for all th eothers, self taught What level of
expertise are you at? still learning to knit, but I spin very well now
* What fibers have you worked with? I think I have spun a bit of everything except maybe quvit??sp?? musk ox. I like it all
* Which fibers, fiber blends, and types of fibers do you prefer? merino and alpaca are my favorites
* Are you interested in working with raw fleece? yes, I like the whole process If so, what type? anyhting at all
* What fibery tools do you currently have (e.g., spinning wheels,
drop spindles, combs, cards, etc.)? I don't yet own a drum carder nor any combs, they are still on my wish list, I have wheels, drop spindles, swift, carders, (both cotton and wool)
* Do you crave any tools, books, or videos? drum carder and combs , and I like the videos about spinning, weaving etc
* What fibers are you absolutely dying to get your hands on? musk ox
* Which fibers do you absolutely not want to work with? can't think of any I wouldn't want to try
* Do you prefer natural color fibers or pre-dyed fibers? I like both
* What are your dye and color preferences? bright autumn colors are my favorite
* Do you have any relevant allergies? not one allergy to any type fiber , thank goodness